Vital Nations of World

Vital Nations of Asia :

1-Less Entrepreneurial activity find in Asian nation from last 70 year.

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2-Less number of Entrepreneur share business idea/research & development with world Social Media i.e High Unemployment rate find in Developing/Under developing nations of ASIA.

3-Asian nation's education gradually increasing last 69 years from now.

4- Lifespan averagely increasing last 66 year in ASIA.

5- If we compare Holidays,Holiday Calendar,Factory Calendar of Developing/Under developing nations with Developed nation then find it they Developing/Under developing nations are enjoying more holidays than Developed nation.Lets take one example of very populous nation in ASIA where their Govt./Pvt. Sector employee enjoy below holidays

a- Public Holidays is a 20.
b- Restrict Holidays is a 24.
c- Factory Holidays is a apart of above Holidays.
d- Casual Leaves & Medical leaves are other formal option for their nation's Govt/Pvt. employees apart from above points out of 365 days of Year.

6- Increasing salary every year for Govt/Pvt.'s employees directly proportional to organizational yearly business target achievement whether it belong to Govt.Pvt organizational Year business Revenue target basis.

7- Yearly salary growth in Pvt./Govt sector in ASIAN nation is 5% to 15% on basic/Gross salary of employee apart Salary increment some organization providing Bonus to their employee yearly basis on special occasion while its issue depend on soundness of any organization.

8- If no any organization achieved their revenue target yearly basis then yearly now days some organization providing yearly increment up to 5%-15% it depend on how much soundness for organization issue bonus while no revenue target achievement then no salary increment on that particular year .

9-Public Holidays (PH) / Restrict Holidays (RH) / Factory Holidays of Pvt./Govt. Employees in Developed/Developing Nations -  USA-12 Days ,England & Wales-09 Days,Scot land-10 Days,Northern Ireland-12 Days, Australia-07 Days,UAE-01 Day only, India-PH-20 Days & RH-24 Days-44 Days + apart Saturday-48 Days & Sunday-48 Days=140 Days ( apart Factory Holiday,other Holidays etc. also) out of 365 days in a Year.

10-Salary Increment in a Year -Every year increased salary even in some Organization not achieved yearly revenue target & for survival purpose or for stay in a World Market.

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* Above Vital Nations of World Updates by Mr. Sudesh Tomar- MBA-HR & Marketing
* All right reserve by blogger
