How Sex Changed the world

How Sex Changed the world??? 

In a history of world one word produce is a SEX. In a human history of world human Sex played a very powerful or Hidden Truth behind any person Home War to World War some interesting facts and some detail about SEX are below manner. 

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1-Opposite Sex always attract each other in any play.Including Gay,Lesbian etc.

2-Oldest Sex Book is a Kamsutra. Kamsutra write on 14th century.

3-Old history & modern history maximum changed by War & This war maximum times hidden truth was find SEX.

4-Some country law allow Sex for male/Female from 13th age to 21th age.This age also allow marriage in all Nation of World.

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5-Majorly sex is use for enjoyment due to some specific part of male/female body create & it created excitement during intercourse but its definition in a science we can define in this manner " It can enjoy by Male/Female & their chromosome cross each other produce Baby but without Male/Female chromosome cross each other then also produce baby in a Female i.e called Test Tube Baby,Surrogacy Industry.

6-Sound sex can create play sound relation between Male & Female during their Marriage life even in diversify social/Knowledge/Education/Poor/Reach etc. situation.

7-Some country allow it open in specific area that is called prostitution Business Center while some country allow it specific area business center while some country allow it specific area publicly like Beach etc depend on Hosting Country Guidelines.

8-Modern Time Sex play Major role to build Success in any International Sport events like Olympic Sport Events,Commonwealth Sports events etc. & before open any sport events hosting country Govt. wish to sale their Sex Licence by Open/Hidden Auction medium etc.

 9-Insecure sex created AIDS disease,STD disease in our world.Its patient find in Developed/Under Developing/Developing nations.

10-Sex is good for everybody on any conditional ages if couple enjoy it also but if anybody doing study then SEX relation should be in right direction otherwise it can create different impact on couple career so repeat again SEX changed the world???

11-Discipline in Sex & Discipline in Health can lead your success,can lead your long life span also.

12-Sex is a second oldest business after Bartered business existed in human world.

13-During any war of the human history,Weapon supply business,prostitution business,Health Care business were existed in past History of World.

Above content published for knowledge update only & its purpose is not related to sponsor/damage personal life,personal image,any community,any society,any nation's law etc. so Reader read it with personal interest only & If above content not related to Reader then ignore it.

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* Above How sex changed the world?? topic Updates by Mr. Sudesh Tomar- MBA-HR & Marketing
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