Future of Biodiversity

                                                                 “FUTURE OF BIODIVERSITY”

Future of biodiversity it is true but hard to get green in every area of world. If biodiversity is maintain then that area very use full area for all type of species of aqua culture, bio-culture is maintain properly and also now days tourism business also growing these areas. This kind of land is very rich for all species for sound environment since earth born now United Nation Organization mad act its name is Bio-diversity Act.2002. https://stomadviso.blogspot.com  read #ExerciseForAll blog

Now in modern world all nations making new Act of biodiversity act under international biodiversity act.2002. Only few countries states only successful for implementing biodiversity act. in their states ,municipality, village panchayat to set up SBMC (state biodiversity committee) and village panchayat BMC (biodiversity management committee). https://stomadvisor.blogspot.com  read #ConsumerPower blog
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Since its inception of biodiversity act. 2002 every area should be sound in biodiversity act.2002 every area should be sound in biodiversity culture but only few developed nations, developing nations have followed it but maximum developing & under developing nations still maintain sound bio diversities in their nations, states, cities, town, village  panchayat etc. every countries trying best but fail to retain their biodiversity, maintain new bio-diversities also. https://collegecampuses.blogspot.com  read #CollegeCampusLife blog

Now due to lack of sound biodiversity some valuable species, animals etc. are escaping their places due to low biodiversity  maintain and ultimately  extinct few species, animals also so now days only few countries Governments maintain extinct animals in their natural habitats or Zoos for watching our upcoming new generations which can not see these animals again in this Earth planet  and also Government retain it in Zoos, natural habitats due to breaking natural food chain cycle of earth animals and in which Human also part of this food chain so we can maintain it by follow these points are below manner. https://indiaturis.blogspot.com  read #NewTour blog

1-Natural culture should maintain.
2-Maintain environment in their area.
3-Natural food chain of all animals should  maintain on earth planet.
4-Extinct animals can retain under bio-diversity area so I appeal to all of you that bio-diversity should maintain because it is back boon of earth culture and do sound business with natural biodiversity without damage culture of biodiversity area so whatever we show in this earth our next generation same thing reap it.
(A Adventure Places blog)
